by Nick | Jun 27, 2014 | Bug Out, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Gear, Emergency Knowledge, Emergency Supplies, Patriotic Preppers, Prepping Practice, self sufficiency, Surviving Attack
Everywhere on the net, on forums and blogs, people are arguing about what the best survival gun is. Evidence points to the conclusion that there is no one gun that is the best survival gun. But people still hunt for it like it’s the holy grail. The concept of the...
by Nick | Jun 24, 2014 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Gear, Emergency Knowledge, Emergency Supplies, first aid, Uncategorized
In 2002 Roger Sargeant and his family went into the Arizona desert for a leisurely afternoon of target practice and picnicking. After their leisurely day enjoying the beauty of the desert they loaded up in the truck and headed home. As the sunset dipped past the...
by Nick | Jun 18, 2014 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Knowledge, first aid, How to Prep, Prepping Practice, Uncategorized
Summer is here and if you can’t keep your cool it’s possible that you could be putting your life at risk. As it heats up, and the mercury starts rising past 90 degrees, your body and health are at risk. In 2013 there were 39 confirmed cases of children dying of heat...
by Nick | May 6, 2014 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Knowledge, first aid, Medical Care, pandemic warning, Urgent Disaster Possible
The deadly MERS virus, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome has its first confirmed case in the United States. This virus is known to kill 1 out of every 3 people it infects. This could be a severe deadly pandemic. An infected health worker based out of Saudi Arabia...
by Nick | Apr 2, 2014 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Knowledge, first aid, How to Prep, Medical Care, Prepping Practice, Surviving Attack, Uncategorized
Injury is not something anyone likes to deal with. However, they happen and you need to know how to save the life of a loved one. Extremity bleeding can quickly cause shock and death. When pressure bandages and pressure points fail to control bleeding, another option...
by Nick | Mar 20, 2014 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Knowledge, How to Prep, Surviving Attack
Death in and of itself is a scary proposition. As humans have struggled to understand death they’ve created stories, religions, gods, and underworlds to explain the unknown. Every civilization has both worshipped and feared death. But no matter what happens in the...