by Nick | Feb 12, 2015 | Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Gear, Patriotic Preppers
Yes, before I get any farther into this discussion silencers – A.K.A. suppressors – are perfectly legal … if you live in a state with reasonable gun rights! As of 2014 these states allow the purchase and use of a suppressor: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT,...
by Nick | Nov 18, 2014 | Bug Out, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Knowledge, Patriotic Preppers, Surviving Attack, Urgent Disaster Possible
The Governor of Missouri has just declared a racially charged state of emergency because of the pending results of the grand jury investigation into the shooting of a Ferguson, Missouri man Michael Brown. A ‘social’ uprising and movement has followed this...
by Nick | Jun 27, 2014 | Bug Out, Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Gear, Emergency Knowledge, Emergency Supplies, Patriotic Preppers, Prepping Practice, self sufficiency, Surviving Attack
Everywhere on the net, on forums and blogs, people are arguing about what the best survival gun is. Evidence points to the conclusion that there is no one gun that is the best survival gun. But people still hunt for it like it’s the holy grail. The concept of the...
by Nick | Jul 16, 2013 | How to Prep, Patriotic Preppers
Tired of being spied on? It seems apparent that our government, and even our global community has no qualms about the data they collect on you and if they could they’d love to listen in on every thought in your head. Since the NSA scandal it’s been made aware to many...
by Nick | Jul 10, 2013 | Emergency Knowledge, Patriotic Preppers, Surviving Attack
I’m extremely hesitant to write this post, however I think it is important to do so I would like to lay out some points for you to consider first. I don’t care about race. I find it stupid and frustrating. We’re all people from different American cultures trying to...
by Nick | May 13, 2013 | Emergency Knowledge, Patriotic Preppers
Recently I heard a radio host talking about gun ownership on an evening talk show. He brought up a great point that I knew and felt in my heart but had no way to accurately express my feelings in words. Owning guns always just made sense to my. Why would I choose not...